In early 2019, the Lord blessed Summit View Baptist Church with the appointment of Dr. Michael R. Privett as our pastor. Michael was reared in a Christian home outside Washington, D.C., and trusted Christ as his Savior as a young teen. While studying to be a math teacher, Michael sensed God’s call into the Gospel ministry. He completed his Master of Divinity degree at Bob Jones University in 1989 and a Doctor of Ministry degree in 2000.
Since 1990, Michael has planted churches, served on two church-planting mission boards, visited many mission fields, published a book on the biblical mission of the local church, and trained pastors in the U.S., Brazil, the Philippines, and Asia. In August 2011 he and his wife Sheri moved to South Carolina where Michael began to serve as Director of Church Planting and Development at Gospel Fellowship Association Missions.
In February 2019 Michael began to serve as pastor of Summit View Baptist Church. As of July, 2019, he also serves as Associate Director of Vision2020Asia. Michael and Sheri continue to travel occasionally to help local churches develop to glorify God by fulfilling God’s Biblical mission for them. In addition, Michael travels four to six times a year to Asia to minister in churches and train national church leaders.
In his service as pastor, Michael labors to keep Summit View grounded in God’s Word, nourished in biblical preaching, growing in Christ’s love, reaching outwards into the community and the world, and returning all glory and praise back to God.